Franks Teaching Schedule USA 2025
I also offer private teaching, if I am in your area giving a class, I can schedule some time to give private instruction in your shop. Or if you would like me to travel to your place, please send me an email at . I also plan to teach in Europe if there are any venues that would like to host me.
Austin School of Furniture and Design
February 1-2Handcut Joinery SOLD OUT
Lie Nielsen Hand Tool Event (Free event)
March 21-22 Portland Oregon
March 22-23 Guild of Oregon Woodworkers Dovetail Class
Private Instruction
April 26- May 4
Florida School of Woodworking
April 7-11 Steps into Craftsmanship
April 12-13 Introduction to Marquetry
July 28 - August 2 Steps into Craftsmanship Part 2
Austin School of Furniture and Design
June 7-8 Introduction to Dovetails
Conneticut Valley School of Woodworking Bob Van Dyke
May 9-10 Fine woodworking Live Demo and Presentation
May12 - May 15 All about Handcut Dovetials
June 30- July 3 A Deep Dive into Handtool Joinery
September 15-20 Project Class TBD
Center For Furniture Craftsmanship
June 16 -20 Advanced Joinery with Handtools
Marc Adams School of Woodworking
May 27-31 Leading an Independence Hall Chair Build
May 19-23 Foundational Hand skills
August 11-17. Build your own Craftsman Rocking Chair
Wendell Castle School of Woodworking
July 12-13 Introduction to Marquetry
July 14- Foundational Handskills
Makers Camp New York
October 10-12